최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

지방공기업제도 역사의 시기 구분과 향후 지방공기업 개혁 방향에 대한 제언

An Analysis on the Characteristics of Local Public Enterprises over Years and Directions for Reform

  • 9

This study attempts to categorize characteristics of Korean local public enterprises by analyzing the changing contents of Local Public Enterprise Law over years. It also tries to find out ways for future reform of local public enterprises. We believe that an analysis on the contents of Local Public Enterprise Law will provide one of the best ways to group periods of local public enterprises. Thus, we analyze the changing contents of the Local Public Enterprise Law starting its inception in 1969. By utilizing a couple dimensions such as the spirit of law, decision making process, organizational structure, budgeting system, and governance structure, we attempt to periodize Korean local public enterprises. This study argues that the history of Korean local public enterprises can be grouped as inception period (1969-1979), differentiation period (1980-1996), settlement period (1997-2009), and jump period (2010- to present). The study further argues that reform on the governance structure and introduction of performance-oriented reward system is necessary for further development of local public enterprises in Korea. If possible, we also believe that local public enterprises must serve the metropolitan area in order to achieve economy of scale.

I. 서 론

II. 이론적 배경 및 선행연구

III. 지방공기업제도 시기 구분 및 각 시기별 법 변천 주요 내용과 특징

IV. 지방공기업제도 성숙을 위한 개혁 방향

V. 결 어

