최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

행정구역갈등과정에 대한 전략적 프레이밍 접근

Framing Strategies Approach to the Boundary Conflicts- focus on Yeosu-peninsula s Consolidation Social Movements -

  • 13

The objective of this study was to find the points that need attention in promotion strategy that could be used for the reorganization on an extensive scale of jurisdiction and to give an account of the expansion of external validity as well as the search for the possibility of application of frame theory. A number of suggestions were obtained after having attempted a strategic framing on yeosu-peninsula s consolidation social movements, which was selected from various cases of jurisdiction reorganization, such as the combination of different frames would give simple justice rather than using an issue framing strategy by itself and the master frame of regional development could serve as a higher frame that encompasses lower frames to combine various interests into one. The efficacy of such strategies could be synergetic if local sentiment that is favorable in integration or political opportunity structure would correspond to its appropriate context. That is, the framing strategies should be performed when minimal criterions are met such as the establishment of homogenous culture and local political authorities as well as the majority of the public feels the need for district integration. Thus the integration of jurisdiction to be carried forward must not be artificially compelled without a thorough searching beforehand to be enforced in accordance with strategic guides when regional changes are to be held.

I. 서 론

II. 기존 연구 및 이론적 배경

III. 여수반도 삼려통합운동에 대한 프레이밍 분석

IV. 결론 및 연구의 한계

