Citizen participation has received heightened attention with regard to its promise for improved governance. This study focused on the significance and possibilities of new approach to citizen participation based on new development administration perspective. development is should be a partnership between the state and civil society, and that such a partnership harnesses the energies and creative abilities of citizens and public organizations in common cause. To deal with these topics, I review the literature on citizen participation in order to construct an analysis framework. This study discusses various alternatives for citizen participation and reviewed patterns of civil participation. This study examines relationship between the citizen participation and democracy in context of both theory and practice, and proposes various practical approaches to citizen participation for new development administration.
Ⅰ. 서론 : 문제의 제기
Ⅱ. 행정패러다임의 변화와 신발전행정
Ⅲ. 우리나라 시민참여제도의 주요 현황과 문제점
Ⅳ. 바람직한 시민참여의 제도화 방향
Ⅴ. 요약과 결론