Network Theory and China’s “The Belt & Road” Strategy with the Fusion of “Community of Human Destiny”
본 논문에서는 네트워크권력이론을 통해 중국정부가 발표한 인류운명공동체 개념하의 일대일로 전략을 분석하였다. 본고에서는 최근 중국은 네트워크 권력정치를 통해 새로운 패권경쟁 전략을 구사하고 있음을 시진핑이 양회에서 설명한 인류운명공동체론과 신창타이 시대 일대일론 전략을 통해 어떻게 결합하여 구사되고 있는지 설명하였다. 더불어 중파경제회랑과 중몽러경제회랑에 대한 분석을 통해 중국정부의 경제회랑건설 목적 및 회랑건설과정에서 자신의 세가지 네트워크 권력을 실현하고 있음을 분석하였다. 본 논문의 결론은 첫 번 째, 인류운명공동체이념을 융합한 일대일로전략을 통해 중국은 지역네트워크의 강한 노드로 부상하였으며, 두 번 째, 일대일로전략을 통해 중국은 주변국가과의 협력, 즉 상호 상승공생(win-win)할 수 있는 관계를 형성함으로써 수탈적 패권방식을 피하고 있다. 마지막으로 일대일로는 네트워크 내 노드(즉 국가)간의 관계를 견고히 하며, 새 노드의 가입을 흡인하고, 네트워크의 속성을 변화시킴과 동시에 지역 네트워크 간 연계를 추진함으로써 자국의 네트워크 권력을 강화시키고 있다.
China chairman Xi Jinping advocated “Community of human destiny” and applied it to China government’s international cooperation. China government put forward “The Belt and Road” strategy in the year 2013 in order to promote outer regional cooperation as well. This strategy mainly consists of 6 economic corridors. China-Pakistan corridor and China-Mongolia-Russia corridor are two of them, while the first one is in full operation, and the second one is about to launch. AIIB and “The Silk Road Fund” will be supportive to these corridors. China’s The Belt and Road strategy, with the fusion of Community of human destiny idea, has led to global society’s enthusiastic discussion. David Sing Grewal’s “Network Power Theory” used network power to explain globalization, this theory divides global network into elements such as networks, nodes, relationship between nodes etc. This paper sought to use network power related theories to explain China’s The Belt and Road strategy, with the fusion of Community of human destiny idea, and the results are as follows: ① China is the designer and main node of The Belt and Road. And this strategy makes China one of the strongest “Middle Power”, meanwhile helps China play a better role in global society. ② China has applied “Community of human destiny” to The Belt and Road network. This idea indicates China’s goal is to encourage other countries to stand together, to work together, and to gain together. The way of China to obtain “position power” is not by hegemony, but win-win strategy. ③ The Belt and Road network strategy is a dynamic complex network, it does not only strengthen connections between nodes, but also attracts new members to join in, what’s more The Belt and Road network can promote more advanced networks’ formation and development. 本论文运用网络权力理论对中国政府在人类命运共同体理念下的一带一路战略构想进行了分析。首先在回顾网络权力理论和中国的网络权力的发展变化后, 阐述了人类命运共同体的内涵和与网络权力理论的结合点, 再以中巴经济走廊和中蒙俄经济走廊为例, 说明了中国促进各个走廊建设的目的和中国在这些建设过程中实现网络权力的方法。本论文通过以上分析得出了中国将通过一带一路成为网络里的强有力中坚国家并将在国际社会发挥更大作用;融入了人类命运共同体理念的一带一路体现了中国同其它国家是一起发展双赢的友好合作关系而不是依靠霸权去损害它国利益;一带一路战略不仅能促进网络里的各国间关系更加牢固, 还会吸引新的国家的加入, 更能推动其它网络的构成和发展的结论。
Ⅰ. 绪论
Ⅱ. 网络权力理论和中国的网络权力回顾
Ⅲ. 人类命运共同体理念下的中国一带一路战略构想
Ⅳ. 一带一路战略构想和中国网络权力的形成: 以中巴经济走廊和中蒙俄经济走廊为例
Ⅴ. 结论