Research on the Formation of Scottish National Identity from the Perspective of Identity Politics
- 아시아사회과학학회
- Journal of Asia Social Science
- Vol.2 No.2
- 2021.02
- 73 - 84 (12 pages)
Although the lack of such obvious defining signs as language, ethnicorigin and religion, Scotland, as a nation different from England, has been widelyrecognized by various countries and regions including Britain. Combining the views ofnativism and constructivism, this paper discusses the formation of Scottish nationalidentity from four aspects: common region, common history, common others andintellectual elite creation. The establishment of Scottish national identity failed to bringabout the rise of Scottish nationalism, which, to some extent, showed that theestablishment of national identity was not consistent with the desire for politicalnationalism.
1. Introduction
2. Scotland as an Exception to the Definition of Nationality
3. The Reasons for the Formation of Scottish National Identity