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KCI등재 학술저널

On the (Non-)Movement of WHY: A Reply to Miyagawa (2017)

DOI : 10.14342/smog.2021.109.1
  • 28

Yong-Ha Kim. 2021. On the (Non-)Movement of WHY: A Reply to Miyagawa(2017). Studies in Modern Grammar 109, 1-17. In this paper, we try to showthat Miyagawa’s (2017) analysis is only partially on the right track. We believethat Miyagawa’s (2017) observation that WHY can be externally merged underTP is not completely wrong. The difference of our position from Miyagawa’slies in our proposal that WHY be externally merged as a CP-modifier (Ko 2005)or as a VP-modifier (Tsai 2008). We will see that there are two types of WHYin Korean, and we will also encounter novel data concerning wh-less whquestions.Defending Ko’s (2005) CP-modifier hypothesis, we make a criticismof Miyagawa’s (2017) approach, and then try to come up with a (very tentative)alternative account which can explain the counterexamples to Ko’s CMH.

1. Introduction

2. Miyagawa’s (2017) Two-Tier Movement Analysis

3. The Position(s) of WHY

4. A Note on the Additional Wh-Effect

5. Conclusion
