최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

법학과에서의 민사소송법 교육

  • 14

The time when the bar examination was taken, students majoring in law had a strong will to learn the Civil Procedure Act(CPA). In comparison, now in Law major seems to do not feel a necessity for the CPA class, excluding the ones who prepare for the learning in the Law School or for certification exams like court official and patent attorney. On account of lesson contents that are suitable for various exams, students who especially want to get a job like law firms do not get interest in those class contents. On the point that this can be a reason to avoid taking a course to the CPA, it seems that system improvement is necessary. One example can be development of ‘NCS(National Competency Standards) Learning Module’, or developing certification program made by the CPA Law Academy. Then, we can think of imposing a system that gives aid to student’s employment by setting appropriate class contents for getting a job. In addition to, if various videos related to the CPA or civil case mock trial scenarios are applied to lessons, students can understand the CPA more easily and get close to it with interest. Like this, on the point that vitalizations of the CPA training in law major will be a foundation of nurturing talents by graduate school, and finally contribute to the advance of the CPA law, it is time for issuing the improvement plan of the CPA education in law major.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 법학과에서 민사소송법 교육의 위기

Ⅲ. 민사소송법 교육 내용·방법의 모색

Ⅳ. 마무리
