Declaratory Judgments just confirm the existence or the none-existence of legal relations. The claim for declaratory relief is accepted not only in Korea and Germany, but also in U.S.A. Recently the Korean Supreme Court announced that declaratory claim as well as demand for perfomance could interrupt the extinctive prescription. I want to know how broad the declaratory claim is used even if the relief has no effect of execution. And I want to know the limit of the claim because almost all the legal relations can be the subject of the claim if the party decides to do so. I start the study from the rules and history of the claim. And I find that they are very new instruments. Maybe it reflects the development of Rule of Law. The subjects of the claim are legal relations, especially insurance and patent in U.S.A. The subjects of the claim are actual controversies, in U.S.A. as well as in Korea and Germany, so hypothetical or abstract controversies and academic or moot controversies are not permitted as the subject of the claim. Declaratory claim is in principle not permitted in Korea and Germany if other claim, for example claim for execution or formation is possible. But it is not precluded for the reason of existence of another adequate remedy where it is appropriate, so it is alternative and cumulative with other remedies in U.S.A. Finally the burden of proof and jury trial are also examined.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 확인청구의 근거
Ⅲ. 확인청구의 대상
Ⅳ. 확인청구의 제한
Ⅴ. 기타
Ⅵ. 결론