최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

미국의 민사배심제도에 관한 연구

A Study on the American Civil Jury System

  • 44

In many countries, lay people participate as decision makers in legal cases. Some countries include their citizens in the justice system as lay judges or jurors, who assess cases independently. The legal systems of other nations combine lay and law–trained judges who decide cases together in mixed tribunals. Whatever the approach, a number of justifications for lay participation in the law have been advanced. Advocates claim many salutary effects: It improves decision making, reduces the effect of biased or corrupt judges, keeps the legal system in touch with community values, represents the diversity of citizen perspectives and experiences, and enhances the legal system’s overall legitimacy. The civil jury system insulates lay decisionmakers from judges during the deliberation process, and provides greater potential for lay input to determine legal outcomes. However, the civil jury has been the subject of sharp attack on grounds of its supposed incompetence and bias. Some critics argue that the complexity of today’s civil disputes is high and that a group of randomly chosen citizens is unlikely to fully understand the evidentiary and legal issues in such cases. These and other criticisms of the American civil jury trial have stimulated a widespread movement for jury reform. Reforms have included changing jury selection procedures so that a broader and more representative group serves on juries, and changing trial practice to promote the jury’s ability to comprehend the evidence.

Ⅰ. 시작하며

Ⅱ. 미국의 민사배심의 역사

Ⅲ. 민사배심의 역할과 기능

Ⅳ. 민사배심의 구성에 관한 문제

Ⅴ. 연방민사배심과 배심원단의 규모

Ⅵ. 복잡한 소송에서 배심원의 역량 문제

Ⅶ. 민사배심의 후퇴 경향

Ⅷ. 마치며

