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KCI등재 학술저널

국제재판관할의 체계적 지위에 관하여

A study on the systematic position of international jurisdiction

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On systematic position of international jurisdiction(Internationalen Zuständigkeit), the common opinion understand the limit of jurisdiction(Gerichtsbarkeit) is made up with limits concerning subjects, objects and places, ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ is the limit of objects. The opposing opinion criticize that the common opinion dosen t distinguish between ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ and ‘Gerichtsbarkeit’. But the concept that ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ restrict ‘Gerichtsbarkeit’, premise ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ is different from ‘Gerichtsbarkeit’ basically. The systematic position of ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ in civil procedure law is down to the concept setting up of ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ and ‘Gerichtsbarkeit’, the systematic position of state immunity․diplomatic immunity etc. eventually. ‘Gerichtsbarkeit’ is the power which the whole people as the sovereignty of a nation delegate authority to the courts. Therefore ‘Gerichtsbarkeit’ is the concept about constitutional law which premise one sovereign nation. But ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ is the issue respecting distribute ‘Gerichtsbarkeit’ between nations, premising several nations. Therefore ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ is the concept about international law. In a view point of the history of state immunity and diplomatic immunity, ‘Capitulation’ and consular jurisdiction is divided into ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ and diplomatic immunity. Both don t make large difference except by legal source. According to these grounds, the opinion that systematic position of ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ and diplomatic immunity are different on terms with ‘Gerichtsbarkeit’, is unreasonable. In its final analysis, ‘Gerichtsbarkeit’, ‘Internationalen Zuständigkeit’ and state immunity․ diplomatic immunity have the three staged structure.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 국제재판관할의 의의

Ⅲ. 재판권과 국제재판관할의 관계

Ⅳ. 주권면제·외교적 면제와 국제재판관할의 관계

Ⅴ. 국제재판관할의 체계적 지위

Ⅵ. 소송요건으로서의 재판권, 주권면제·외교적 면제 및 국제재판관할

Ⅶ. 마치며

