Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is one of the mostwell-known third wave cognitive behavioral therapies (CBTs)based on relational frame theory (RFT) and functional contextualism.From an ACT perspective, human suffering and psychopathologyresult from psychological inflexibility, which is drivenby experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. Within the context,addiction is conceived as a component of the learned repertoireof behavior driven by psychological flexibility. Addictive behaviorsare remarkably effective, over the short term, for peopleto avoid their unwanted private events such as negative thoughts,affects, and physical sensations but also to make coherent consequencesin line with their verbal rules about behaviors andthemselves. However, addictive behaviors can cause great difficultieswith their values and disconnect from their life areas inthe long term. ACT can help people with addiction by fosteringpsychological flexibility and moving in the direction of a valuedlife. This review aims to introduce the pathology of addiction fromthe perspective of ACT and to discuss the possibility of use ofACT as a novel therapeutic approach to treating addiction with itskey features of addiction treatment processes in clinical settings.
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