최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

선제타격형 국제소송에 대한 연구

  • 21

Timing of proceedings in intellectual property rights dispute is one of the most significant factors when the parties to the proceedings shop their forum. How important the timing of proceedings was shown by Erich Gasser v. MISAT Srl case. In Gasser, the European Court of Justice gave precedence to lis pendens rules in Brussels Convention over the choice of court clause which the parties agreed on. However, the so-called “Italian torpedo” had delayed the proceedings between Gasser and MISAT. Nonetheless, the European Court of Justice has relied on the lis pendens rules in Brussels Regulation (formerly Brussels Convention) on basis of mutual trust of judiciary system between the EU Member States. It is doubtful whether the rationales taken by the European Court of Justice at the Gasser case can be applied to Asian courts. Therefore, we need to figure out and develop our own model fitted into the Gasser-typed cases. In this regard, it should be discussed whether the causes of action are identical between the first and second suit brought by same parties and when the suits becomes pending. At the outset, the Article delves into the regional trend in Europe in order to discuss the Gasser case, and Regional Convention and Regulation including Brussels Convention and Brussels Regulation. Secondly, the Article explores international trend including international convention. Thirdly, the Article explains the Principles presented by some of expert working groups in Europe and Korea. Even though the Principles are not Convention or Model Act, they are expected to have some impact on case law and legislation in Europe and Asia. Fourthly, the Article discusses current development related to international torpedo litigation in Korea. Afterwards, in Conclusion the Article presents new proposals in terms of torpedo litigation, which are based on “Korean Principles on International Intellectual Property Litigation” approved by Korean Private International Law Association on March 26, 2010.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ 유럽에서의 선제타격형 국제소송의 취급

Ⅲ. 헤이그국제사법회의 “민사 및 상사사건의 국제재판관할과 외국재판에 관한 협약” 예비초안 이하(“헤이그 예비초안”이라 표시)

Ⅳ. 2005년의 재판관할 합의에 관한 헤이그협약(Convention on Choice of Court Agreements)

Ⅴ. 막스프랑크그룹이 제안한 지적재산권에 관한 저촉법원칙안

Ⅵ. 한국의 국제지적재산소송에 관한 원칙(2010년 3월 26일판)

Ⅶ. 한국에서 소극적 확인청구의 전소와 이행청구의 후소의 경합시 소송상 취급

Ⅷ. 결 론

