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KCI등재 학술저널

항만저장물질의 누출에 따른 피해범위 예측에 관한 연구

A Study on the Prediction of Damage Ranges by Leakages of Seaport-Stored Substances

DOI : 10.9798/KOSHAM.2021.21.2.23
  • 30

항만에서 과산화수소가 누출될 경우 위험성을 확인하기 위하여 누출량을 1 Ton~10 Ton까지 1 Ton씩 변화시키며 2020년 월별 최고확산거리와 최소확산거리를 산정하였다. 누출량에 따른 확산거리의 변화를 확인하기 위하여 총 82개의 시나리오를 작성하였다. 작성된 시나리오는 ALOHA 확산모델을 통해 위험농도가 유지되는 거리를 PAC 기준으로 분석하였다. 분석결과 누출량이 많은 경우 온도가 높고 풍속이 강한 경우 최대로 확산되었으며, 누출량이 작고 온도가 낮고 풍속이 강한 경우 최소로 확산되는 경향을 보였다. PAC-1은 누출량 2 Ton, PAC-2는 4 Ton, PAC-3는 5 Ton을 기점으로 풍속이 빠름으로 인하여 확산거리가 변화되는 특성을 가졌다. 또한, 누출량이 10 Ton 일 때 풍속이 빠른 경우 확산거리는 10 km까지 도달하여 인접한 행정구역까지도 영향을 주는 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서, 화학물질 누출에 따른 확산거리를 활용하여 적정한 피해방지대책의 수립이 필요하다.

In order to check the risk of hydrogen peroxide leakage from the seaport, the leakage amount was changed from 1.0 ton to 10.0 tons, with the maximum and minimum diffusion distances per month in 2020 being subsequently calculated. A total of 82 scenarios were created to confirm the change in the diffusion distance according to the amount of leakage. The scenario was analyzed based on the distance at which the risk concentration was maintained through the ALOHA Air Dispersion Models. As indicated by the analysis, when the amount of leakage is relatively large, the temperature is also high and the wind speed is fast - resulting in the maximum spread. However, when the amount of leakage was relatively minimal, the temperature was low and the wind speed remained fast - this kept diffusion to the minimum. Concerning characteristics of fast wind speeds, the dispersion length changed based on amounts of leakages where PAC-1 contains 2.0 tons, PAC-2 contains 4.0 tons, and PAC-3 contains 5.0 tons. In addition, when the amount of leakage equaled 10.0 tons, and the wind speed was high, the dispersion length reached up to 10 kms. In light of this, it was confirmed that even adjacent administrative districts were affected. Therefore, it is necessary to establish appropriate measures to prevent damage by utilizing the diffusion distance caused by chemical leakages.

1. 서론

2. 항만의 선정배경 및 취급물질

3. 시나리오 조건 및 피해예측

4. 시나리오의 사고피해예측 및 결과분석

5. 결론
