최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

환경 집단소송법 도입의 논의에 대한 검토

  • 27

It is now being debated over the enactment of environmental class action law. In Korea environmental groups and some citizens are strongly asking for enacting the new environmental class action law. In this situation, the 1996 tentative draft bill of Ministry of Justice containing U.S. class action and Germany group actions(Verbandsklage) at the same time are the question in issue. Some groups want to enact after the model of 1996 tentative draft bill of Ministry of Justice, but others want to take after U.S. class action model only. And some groups want to contain administrative litigation also, but others donʼt want to. Some groups want to enact environmental class action in a separate way, but others want to enact general class action law containing environmental dispute resolutions. In this paper, I reviewed on the draft of class actions about environmental law. I compared also strong and weak point between German group litigation (Verbandsklage) and U.S. class actions. I also took into account Korean legal phi-losophy and culture. As a conclusion, I recommended U.S. class action model, which is containing administrative litigation also. This is mainly because of modern Korean culture and legal philosophy of ordinary people. In this opinion, group action (Verbandsklage of germany style) can be enacted in the substantive law, which is the case of Korean consumer law.

Ⅰ. 환경 관련 집단분쟁의 복합적 성격

Ⅱ. 환경집단소송법 도입의 찬반론

Ⅲ. 집단소송법의 입법형식에 대한 고민

Ⅳ. 각종 환경관련집단소송법안

Ⅴ. 결어: 환경 집단소송제의 도입여부에 대한 제언

