최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

광주지역 먹는물 공동시설의 미생물 특성 및 분포조사

Evaluation of Characteristics of Microorganisms Isolated from Public Drinking Water Facilities in Gwangju City

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2021.47.2.182
  • 66

Objective: This study was performed to detect indicator bacteria in drinking spring water samples in Gwangju City and to identify their genus using the VITEK-II system. Methods: The subjects were ten drinking spring water sites in Gwangju. Samples of spring water were taken every month from September 2019 to August 2020. We analyzed for the indicator bacteria Yersinia and microorganisms isolated from the spring water. Result: According to the research results on indicator bacteria, general bacteria in st1-st7 with sterilization facilities in the spring and summer were investigated in the range of 0-2 CFU/mL and 0-12 CFU/mL. In st9, where a sterilization facility was not installed, the most general bacteria were detected (160 CFU/mL). Total coliform and fecal coliform showed unsatisfied rates of 16.7 and 11.1% in spring and 14.7 and 11.8% in summer, respectively. The unsatisfied rates of total coliform for the designated and non-designated spring water facilities were 3.8 and 47.1%, respectively, and for the fecal coliform group they were 2.5 and 35.3%. The difference was confirmed according to the presence of a sterilization facility. Yersinia spp. was not detected in all drinking spring water. Forty-one strains in 25 species were isolated from ten sites. The results classified as major dominant species are Pseudomonas spp. 14.6%, Pantoea spp. 9.8%, Serratia spp. 9.8%, Acinetobacter spp. 9.8%, Citrobacter spp. 7.3%, Bordetella spp. 7.3%, Delftia spp. 4.9%, and Enterobacter spp. 4.9%. Conclusions: Based on the result that various species derived from fecal pollution and artificial pollutants were detected in the non-specified public spring water facilities that many people use, the facilities need institutional complements such as continuous management or complete shutdowns.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 결론
