최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

냉전 체제 고착과 GHQ의 정책 변화

Establishment of the Cold War Regime and GHQ Policy Changes : Focusing on the Transition from Militarist Expulsion to the Red Purge

DOI : 10.24939/KJH.2021.4.54.211
  • 207

Military occupation policy of Post-war Japan divided into three parts: 1) Ask responsibility for the Asian-Pacific War and establish democracy. 2) Controversial plan to modify Japan as an ally of US with boosted economy - It was preferred response for emerging new Cold War regime after 1947. 3) Official peace treaty with ratification of alliance after Korean War. This article studied how external influence affected postwar democracy of Japan, especially emphasized changing occupational policy started from expulsion of militarist from public office to the Red Purge. Post war GHQ disarmed war factories to state ‘physical demilitarization’ and executed public office expulsion to start ‘intellectual demilitarization’. Expulsion was targeted towards war criminal, military personnel, militarist and ultra nationalist. These were advocates or executors of war. However, such attempt ended imperfectly and GHQ failed to apply expulsion doctrine into every field of Japanese society. Militarists and totalitarians outside military field were waived. It caused diluted sense of war responsibility. It came from changed US policy direction which intended to set Japan as the ‘Anti-communism shield’ of Asia with economic independence. Thus, edict 101 of expulsion used for legal evidence to oppress left wing in Japan. Post war Japanese democracy was changed from militarist expulsion to the Red purge. Right wing developed such change into the public office expulsion of left wing. Imperial military personnel were also released from public office expulsion and reassigned to the Japanese Self-Defense Force (JSDF).

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 패전 후, 군국주의자에 대한 공직추방

Ⅲ. 냉전 체제 고착과 공직추방 종결

Ⅳ. 한국전쟁 발발과 본격적인 레드 퍼지

Ⅴ. 맺음말
