This paper attempts to demonstrate the actual situation of the Dutch studies boom of the Saga domain during the Meiji Restoration by analyzing the learning conditions and activities of the Saga domain participants before and after participating in the Nagasaki Naval Training Center. As a result of the examination, the following features can be pointed out. First, the Saga domain was trying to encourage the spread of Dutch studies by taking practical and realistic measures compared to other domains. For example, Bunbukagyouhou(文武課業法) enacted in 1850 included Western artillery and Dutch studies as items, which motivated the feudal lords to accept Western technology. Second, the learning results of the Saga domain s Dutch studies boom phenomenon were spread around the Nagasaki Naval Training Center. In the case of the Saga domain, before being dispatched to Nagasaki, he learned the basics of Dutch language while interacting with Dutch studies at the Dutch school dormitory, fire arts, and medical centers. In addition, after completing the Nagasaki training, the learning results were continued by teaching the juniors at the Navy station in Mie Tsu in the domain. In addition, even during the reform of the fire technique, it was maintained according to the rules of Nagasaki training, and the education system of the Navy was modeled on Nagasaki training. Third, the human resources cultivated during the Saga domain s Dutch studies boom phenomenon were not only utilized within the domain, but were also appointed by the Shogunate and the Meiji government. The Saga Domain s clan scholars, who were the most efficient at demonstrating their learning outcomes, had abundant human resources who could operate warships immediately, so they were a powerful companion for various overseas inspections led by the Shogunate. It was a target.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 나가사키 전습 사가번 참가자 명단 복원
Ⅲ. 참가자의 학습 실태
Ⅳ. 귀번(歸藩) 후 활동
Ⅴ. 맺음말