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KCI등재 학술저널

흉부 전산화 단층 촬영 검사 시 발생하는 생식선 차폐 유무에따른 산란 선량 차이에 관한 연구

A Study on the Difference of Scattered Rays with or Without Gonadal Shielding During Chest Computed Tomography

DOI : 10.7742/jksr.2021.15.2.109
  • 86
※해당 콘텐츠는 기관과의 협약에 따라 현재 이용하실 수 없습니다.

생식선 차폐를 하지 않았을 때 전부, 양 측부, 후부, 생식선 부위의 산란선을 측정하고 Xenolite nolead Apron(0.35 mm Pb), Xenolite nolead Apron(front 0.35 mm Pb Mix back 0.25 mm Pb, Skirt overlap), Half Apron(0.5 mm Pb)로 차폐 후 각각의 산란 선량을 측정하였다. 흉부 전산화 단층촬영 검사 시 검사 부위의 산란 선량은 272 µ㏜가 측정되었고, Apron으로 차폐하지 않았을 시에 평균 전부 43 µ㏜, 좌측부 81 µ㏜, 우측부 82 µ㏜, 후부 38.8 µ㏜, Gonad 부위 16 µ㏜로 측정되었다. Xenolite nolead Apron으로 위쪽 부분만 차폐하고 측정했을 전부 11.2 µ㏜, 좌측부 43.1 µ㏜, 우측부 45.3 µ㏜, 후부 12 µ㏜, Gonad 부위 5.2 µ㏜로 측정되었다. Xenolite nolead Apron(Skirt overlap)으로 Pelvis 부위를 360˚ 감싼 후 선량을 측정하였을 때 전부 5.6 µ㏜, 좌측부 22.4 µ㏜, 우측부 15.7 µ㏜, 후부 6 µ㏜, Gonad 부위 3.2 µ㏜로 측정되었다. Xenolite nolead Apron(Skirt overlap)으로 Pelvis 부위를 360˚ 감싼 후 선량을 측정하였을 때 전부 5.6 µ㏜, 좌측부 22.4 µ㏜, 우측부 15.7 µ㏜, 후부 6 µ㏜, Gonad 위 3.2 µ㏜로 측정되었다. Half Apron으로 위쪽만 차폐하고 측정했을 때에는 전부 10.7 µ㏜, 좌측부 42.6 µ㏜, 우측부 40.6 µ㏜, 후부 11.3 µ㏜, Gonad부위 4.7 µ㏜로 측정되었다. 골반 부위를 360° 차폐하는 방법이 80% 이상 선량 감소를 보였고, 전부 차폐 시 70% 이상의 선량 감소 효과를 보였으며 모든 전산화 단층 촬영 검사에 있어 피폭선량 경감을 위한 연구와 차폐 가능한 장비를 활용하는 다양한 기법에 관한 지속적인 연구가 필요하리라 사료된다.

his study is a study on the difference in dose according to the presence or absence of gonadal shielding of scattered rays generated during chest computed tomography examination, and the scattered dose of the examination site was measured by placing the RadEye G-10 device in the center of the phantom. When the gonads are not shielded, the scattering lines of the whole, both sides, posterior and gonads are measured and Xenolite nolead Apron (0.35 mm PB), Xenolite nolead Apron (front 0.35 mm PB Mix back 0.25 mm PB, Skirt overlap), Half Apron After shielding with (0.5 mm PB), each scattered dose was measured. During chest computed tomography, the scattered dose of the test site was measured at 272 µ㏜, and when not shielded with Apron, the average total was 43 µ㏜, left 81 µ㏜, right part 82 µ㏜, posterior part 38.8 µ㏜, and Gonad part 16 µ㏜. Became. Xenolite nolead Apron shielded only the upper part and measured all 11.2 µ㏜, left part 43.1 µ㏜, right part 45.3 µ㏜, posterior part 12 µ㏜ and Gonad part 5.2 µ㏜. Xenolite nolead Apron (Skirt overlap) covered the Pelvis area 360˚ and the dose was measured to be 5.6 µ㏜ in the whole, 22.4 µ㏜ in the left, 15.7 µ㏜ in the right side, 6 µ㏜ in the posterior part, and 3.2 µ㏜ in the Gonad part. Xenolite nolead Apron (Skirt overlap) covered the Pelvis area 360˚ and the dose was measured to be 5.6 µ㏜ in the whole, 22.4 µ㏜ in the left, 15.7 µ㏜ in the right side, 6 µ㏜ in the posterior part, and 3.2 µ㏜ in the Gonad part. When measuring only the upper part with Half Apron, the total measurement was 10.7 µ㏜, the left part 42.6 µ㏜, the right part 40.6 µ㏜, the posterior part 11.3 µ㏜, and the Gonad part 4.7 µ㏜. The method of 360° shielding of the pelvic area showed a dose reduction of more than 80%, and a dose reduction effect of more than 70% was shown when all shielding was performed. In all computerized tomography examinations, research to reduce the exposure dose and various shielding devices were used. It is believed that continuous research on the technique is needed.





