국내유통 복분자와 토종복분자의 이화학적 특성과 엘라그산 함량 비교연구
A Study on the Comparison of Chemical Characterization and Ellagic Acid Content Between Distribution Bokbunja and Korean Native Bokbunja
The purpose of this study was to compare the chemical properties of the bokbunja distributed in Korea with the content of the bioactive substance ellagic acid. The bokbunja was Rubus coreanus group and Rubus occidentalis group were compared, domestic bokbunja and import bokbunja were compared. In bokbunja, free sugar was 30.89 ± 0.7 ㎎/g of Rubus coreanus and 29.05 ± 0.87 ㎎/g of Rubus occidentalis. and 27.28 ± 7.4 ㎎/g of domestic bokbunja and 21.58 ± 6.73 ㎎/g of import bokbunja. The free amino acids was 4.50 ± 0.08 ㎎/g of Rubus coreanus and 5.05 ± 0.08 ㎎/g of Rubus occidentalis. and 4.13 ± 1.09 ㎎/g of domestic bokbunja and 3.75 ± 0.31 ㎎/g of import bokbunja. Validation of the ellagic acid method was confirmed by comparing the retention time and spectrum of the standard and extract using HPLC. The calibration curve (R2) showed linearity of 0.9999. As a result of analyzing the ellagic acid content of each extraction solvent, DMSO and methanol mixture extracts were high, and Rubus coreanus was 2.56 ㎎/g and Rubus occidentalis was 3.16 ㎎/g, which was not significantly different (p < 0.05) In addition, the ellagic acid content of domestic bokbunja and import bokbunja was 2.83 ㎎/g and 2.99 ㎎/g, which was not significantly different (p < 0.05).
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