월악산, 치악산국립공원 24개 노선 80.1 km 구간에 대한 탐방로 훼손 특성 및 안정성 평가를 실시한 결과, 탐방로 평균 노면 경사는 14.5o, 평균 노폭은 1.61 m, 평균 나지폭은 1.17 m, 평균 노면침식 깊이는 0.21 m였다. 훼손유형은 분기현상이 가장 많은 발생빈도를 보였고 다음으로 노면침식, 노폭확대, 뿌리노출 및 암석노출 현상 순으로 나타났다. 노면 침식량에 영향을 미치는 인자는 노면경사 30o 이상과 20~30o, 사양토, 해발고, 남사면(S)으로 나타났으며, 탐방로 노면 안정성 평가에 관여하는 인자는 노면경사 30o 이상, 노면경사 20~30o, 사양토(S), 해발고, 산록→산정 노선 순이었다. 판별함수에 의한 건전지와 훼손지의 중심점 값은 각각 -1.783과 1.938로 판별 구분치는 0.155이었고 판별 구분치에 의한 적중률은 85.6%였다.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the trail deterioration condition and to obtain the information for the desirable maintenance and restoration of trail in woraksan and chiaksan national park. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows; The average degree of trail was 14.5o, average trail width was 1.61 m, average bared trail width was 1.17 m and average surface depth was 0.21 m. Major deterioration types of trail were diverged, trail deepening, widening, root and rock exposure in order of frequency. In the stepwise regression analysis between soil erosion and each factors, over 30o in trail degree, 20~30o in trail degree, S(soil texture), altitude and south were a high significant. The main factors influencing the stability of trail surface significant in order of over 30o in trail degree, 20~30o in trail degree, S(soil texture), altitude and lower→upper. The centroid value of discriminant function in the undeteriorated and deteriorated area estimated to -1.783 and 1.938, respectively. The boundary value between two groups related to slope stability was 0.155. The prediction rate of discriminant function for stability evaluation was high as 85.6%.
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