최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

한라산국립공원 탐방로의 물리적 특성 및 훼손유형

Trail Physical Characteristics and Deteriorations Type in Hallasan National Park

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한라산국립공원 주요 탐방로 4개 구간 26.7 km 구간에 대해 102개 측점을 선정하여 탐방로의 물리적 특성을 조사한 결과, 노면 평균 경사는 14.3o, 평균 노폭은 1.9 m, 평균 나지폭은 1.7 m로 넓게 형성되어 있었고, 훼손정도를 조사한 결과 훼손이 발생하지 않은『건전』구간은 25.28 km(94.68%),『강』구간은 0.33 km(1.24%),『중』구간은 0.73 km(2.73%),『약』구간은 0.36 km(1.35%)를 차지하여 훼손비율은 5.32%였다. 훼손유형을 분석한 결과 6개의 훼손유형이 132회 출현하였고 노면침식 현상 45회(34.1%), 노폭확대 현상 33회(25%), 분기 현상 26회(19.7%), 뿌리노출 현상 19회(14.4%), 사면붕괴 현상 6회(4.5%), 암석노출 현상 3회(2.3%) 순으로 조사되었다.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the trail deterioration condition and to obtain the information for the desirable maintenance and restoration of trail in hallasan national park. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows; The physical characteristics of trail were surveyed at the total 102 point for 26.7 km in length. As a result, the average degree of trail was 14.3o, average trail width was 1.9 m and average bared trail width was 1.7 m. Deterioration class of trail were that non-deterioration was 25.28 km(94.68%), heavy class was 0.33 km(1.24%), middle class was 0.73(2.73%) and light class was 0.36 km(1.35%) and the deterioration rate was 5.32%. Major deterioration types of trail were trail deepen(34.1%), widen(25%), diverged(19.7%), root exposed(14.4%), slope erosion(4.5%) and rock exposed(2.3%) in order of frequency.


재료 및 방법

결과 및 고찰


