최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

속리산국립공원 갈론계곡 망개나무의 생장환경 및 분포특성 연구

A Study on the Distribution and Habitat Characteristics of Berchemia berchemiaefolia Stand at Gal-non Valley in Songnisan National Park

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속리산국립공원 갈론계곡에서 새롭게 발견된 망개나무 개체군은 총 2,035본으로 확인되었다. 우리나라 망개나무 군락 중 최대 규모이며 분포면적은 80 ha, 해발고는 200~900 m, 경사도 10o~40o의 북사면에 위치하고 서식밀도는 25본/ha이었다. 망개나무의 평균직경은 17.6 cm, 평균수고 11.7 m, 평균분지수는 0.8개이며, 덩굴피압, 산림병해충 감염 및 고사된 가지를 갖는 개체수가 전체의 43%를 차지하였다. 고정조사구내의 관속식물상은 28과 37속 40종 3변종 1품종의 총 44종류로 조사되었다. 식물구계학적 특정식물종은 Ⅴ등급인 망개나무를 비롯하여 개비자나무, 굴참나무, 회리바람꽃 등이며, 특산식물에는 병꽃나무, 점현호색, 참갈퀴덩굴과 IUCN 평가기준에 따른 희귀식물로는 두메닥나무가 확인되었다.

The population of Berchemia berchemiaefolia was newly found at Gal-non valley in Songnisan Nation Park and was distributed 2,035 individuals. It is supposed that the population is the largest until now in South Korea. The distribution area and density was about 80ha and average 25 individuals/ha, respectively. The population was located in from 200 to 900 m altitude, 10~40o in northern slope. The average DBH, height and number of branching stems was 17.6cm, 11.7 m and 0.8/individual, respectively. The individuals of oppressed with vines, infection of forest disease and dead branches were occupied 43% of total individuals. The vascular plants of two fixed investigation squares were included in 44 taxa; 28 families, 37 genera, 40 species, 3 varieties and 1 forms. Based on the list of specific plants by floral region were Berchemia berchemiaefolia in class Ⅴ, Cephalotatus koreana, Quercus variabilis, Anemone reflexa etc. Korea National Arboretum were endemic plants of Weigela subsessilis, Corydalis maculata, Galium koreanum and Korea Forest Service and Korea National Arboretum were rare plants (IUCN) of Daphne pseudomezereum.


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