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KCI등재후보 학술저널

Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b 유전자에 기초한 한국산 금강모치의 분자계통학적 연구

Molecular Phylogeny Study of Rhynchocypris kumgangensis in Korea Based on the Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrom b Gene

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한국고유종인 금강모치 집단의 계통분류학적 위치를 알아보기 위해 미토콘드리아 Cytochrome b 유전자 서열(1,141bp)을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 총 27개의 haplotype이 확인되었다. 유전다양성은 한계와 홍천집단이 0.9333±0.1217로 가장 높았고 무주, 가평, 양구 집단이 0.0000±0.0000로 가장 낮았다. 유전적분화지수(FST)는 금강(0.926~1.000)이 가장 높았다. AMOVA분석을 통하여 Cluster 1(양구, 몰운, 봉산), Cluster 2(한계, 홍천, 평창), Cluster 3(영주, 가평, 원주), Cluster 4(봉화, 방동) 및 Cluster 5(무주)의 5개 집단으로 구분되었다. 한강집단(Cluster 1~4)과 금강집단(Cluster 5) 사이의 염기서열 차이는 27~73bp(2.4~6.4%)이었고 유전적 거리는 0.029~0.036으로 확인되었다. NJ(Neighbor joining) 분석에 의해 금강집단(Cluster 5)은 높은 수치의 신뢰도(94BP)를 나타내면서 한강집단(Cluster 1~4)과 명확히 구분되었다. 수계별 집단간 염기서열 분석 결과는 금강모치의 금강집단(무주)이 종수준으로 분화한 것을 보여주었다.

The Phylogenetic status of populations of Rhynchocypris kumgangensis, is one of the Korean endemic species, has been analyzed using mitochondrial DNA cytochrom b sequences (1,141bp). As a result, twenty-seven haplotypes in total were defined. The value of haplotype diversity of Hangye (HG) and Hongcheon (HC) populations was 0.9333±0.1217, which was the highest, while that of Muju (MJ), Gapyeong (GP) and Yanggu (YG) was 0.000±0.000, which was the lowest. As for the FST values, the value of Kum River (0.926~1.000) was the highest. Based on the result of AMOVA analysis, the populations were divided into five cluster: Cluster 1 (Yanggu; YG, Molun; ML, Bongsan; BS), Cluster 2 (Hangye; HG, Hongcheon; HC, Pyeongchang; PC), Cluster 3 (Yeongju; YJ, Gapyeong; GP, Wonju; WJ), Cluster 4 (Bonghwa; BH, Bangdong; BD) and Cluster 5 (Muju; MJ). The difference of DNA polymorphisms between Han River population (Cluster 1~4) and Kum River population (Cluster 5) was 27 to 73bp (2.4~6.4%) and the identified pairwise genetic distance was 0.029 to 0.036. According to the NJ (Neighbor joining) analysis, Kum River populations were clearly distinguished from Han River populations in that the former showed a high level (94BP) of reliability. The result of sequence pairwise comparisons indicates that as for the phylogenetic status, Kum River groups (Muju; MJ) of Rhynchocypris kumgangensis were differentiated to a specific level of species.


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