최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

소백산국립공원의 고등균류 분포상

Distribution of Higher Fungi in Sobeaksan National Park

  • 22

2016년 4월부터 10월까지 소백산국립공원 일원에서 버섯조사를 실시한 결과 총 60과 148속 325종의 버섯이 조사되었고 무당버섯속이 21종으로 가장 많이 발생하였다. 마구령지역에서 가장 많은 115종이 발생하였다. 월 별로는 8월에 가장 많은 152종이 발생하였고, 10월이 16종으로 가장 적었다. 부후성 버섯발생은 5월~9월까지 32~103종으로 증가하다 10월에 13종으로 급감하였다. 균근성버섯은 7~8월에 43~67종으로 증가하다가 9월부터 감소하였다. 7~9월의 강수량은 연강수량의 60 %였으며 이 기간의 버섯 발생은 조사일별 평균 버섯 발생 종수(27종)보다 많았다.

Between April and October in 2016 the distribution of higher fungi in Sobaeksan National Park was investigated. 60 families, 148 genera and 325 species were identified, among which 21 species of Russula were the most common. The highest number of species, 155 spp, was occurred at the Maguyeong site In August, 152 species which in the highest number of species, were identified in August However, only 16 species, which in the lowest number, were occurred in October. The number of Saprobic mushroom species increased from 32 to 103 species between May and September but decreased to 13 species in October. The number of Ectomycorrhizal mushroom species increased from 43 to 67 species during July ~ August but decreased in September. The number of species of mushrooms was higher than the daily average (27 species) between July and August when 60 % of the total rainfall of the study period was received.


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