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KCI등재 학술저널

사상체질위(四象體質)이 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향

DOI : 10.15758/jkak.2017.19.1.27

Effects of Sasang Constitution on Isokinetic Muscular Function. The Journal of Kinesiology, 2017, 19(1): 27-34. [PURPOSE] To investigate if Sasang-constitution types affect isokinetic muscular strength and endurance of shoulder and knee joints in male and female college-aged students. [METHODS] Subjects were 99 sedentary with no experience in resistance exercise for the past 6 months. They were divided into Taeemin (n=15), Soyangin (n=52) and Soemin (n=32) constitution by QSCC II. Isokinetic muscular strength of shoulder and knee joints was de-termined by peak torque, muscular endurance by total work, and power by total work/time. All measurements were expressed as absolute (N·m), relative value to total body weight (N·m/kg), and relative value to muscle weight (N·m/muscle kg). Data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Pearson s correlation analysis. [RESULTS] For muscular strength, only absolute values of the internal rotation in the shoulder joint were significantly different among Sasang-constitution types. In both men and women, Taeemin had a significantly (p<.05) higher value than Soyangin and Soemin, but there was no significant difference be-tween Soemin and Soyangin. However, relative values of shoulder and knee muscular strength were not different among Sasang-constitution types. Neither muscular endurance nor power showed any difference among Sasang-constitution types in both men and women for either absolute or relative values. As expected, muscular strength, endurance, and power were sig-nificantly (p<.001) and positively correlated with total body and muscle weight. These results were not related to gender differences. [CONCLUSIONS] The results of this study indicate that isokinetic muscular strength, endurance, and power of shoulder and knee joints are not generally affected by Sasang-constitution types, which was consistent after adjusting for total body weight and muscle weight.





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