최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

다리길이차이와 골반 및 어깨높이, 체중분배, 발목근력과의 상관분석

DOI : 10.15758/jkak.2017.19.3.83
  • 53

Correlation Between Leg Length Difference with Pelvic and Shoulder Level, Weight Distribution, Ankle Muscle Strength. The Journal of Kinesiology, 2017, 19(3): 83-88. [PURPOSE] The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between leg length difference with pelvic and shoulder level, weight distribution, ankle muscle strength. [METHODS] The subjects were consisted of 49 female students whose leg length was 15mm or more among 90 female. The height of the pelvis and shoulder level were measured using the Global Posture System (GPS). The foot pressure was measured using a foot scan, and ankle muscle strength was measured using a Commander Muscle Tester. [RESULTS]There was a statistically significant positive correlation between structural leg length, pelvic height, shoulder height, and ankle instability(p<.05), while ankle dorsiflexion and inversion muscle strength were statistically significant negative correlation(p<.05). [CONCLUSION] The greater the difference in leg length, the greater the difference in pelvic level. The greater the differ-ence in shoulder level, the greater the dorsiflexion strength of the ankle joint, especially the higher the shoulder height, the greater the ankle dorsiflexion strength. It was found that the greater the dorsiflexion strength of the ankle joint, the less the inversion strength. In conclusion, misalignment of the lower limb may cause back and neck and shoulder pain and ankle joint injury, so it is necessary to recognize the importance of proper posture and habit of the lower limbs.






