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KCI등재 학술저널

「운동사에 관한 규칙」제정 검토(안)

A Study for Enacting of ‘the Rules on Kinesiologist

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[서론]이 연구는 보건의료 분야 운동전문가 자격제도를 설치하는데 필요한 법적 근거를 마련하기 위하여, 델파이 기법을 적용하여 국민건강증진법의 개정 내용 및 ‘운동사에 관한 규칙 제정에 필요한 사항을 결정하는 것이었다. [방법] 1차 설문을 위해 전문가 소위윈회(운동사관련학과 교수 3인, 현장 박사급 운동사 2인 계, 5인)를 구성하였고, 2차 설문에는 50인의 전문가(운동사관련학과 교수 42인, 박사급 운동사 7인, 법학과 교수 1인 계, 50인)가 참가하여 46명이 응답하였다. 3차 설문은 2차 설문에 응답한 46명(운동사관련학과 교수 39인, 박사급 운동사 6인, 법학과 교수1인 계, 46인)에게 주어졌으며 최종 42명이 응답하였다. [결과] 운동사 면허제도는 국민건강증진법에 근거하는 것이 합리적이라는 전문가의 의견이 있었고, 국민건강증진법 제19조2(운동사의 면허) 조항을 설치하는 것으로 전문가의 의견이 모아졌다. ‘운동사에 관한 규칙’에서 고려되어야 할 요소는 목적, 정의, 자격시험의 시행과 공고(시행횟수, 시험관리, 시험공고), 자격시험(시험과목 및 과목별 문항비율, 시험의 종류, 합격기준, 실습), 운동사양성특별위원회(설치, 분과, 임무), 보수교육, 특별과정 및 임시과정 등의 내용을 두는 것에 패널들의 반응은 ‘찬성 과 ‘적극 찬성 사이었다. 조사결과 국민건강증진법 개정에서는 ‘대국민 운동교육’을 위해 ‘국민건강증진기금을 사용케 할 것이냐’가 쟁점의 소지가 있고 또한 ‘운동에 관한 규칙’ 제정에서는 ‘자격시험의 과목과 문항비율’ 및 ‘시험의 종류’ 즉, 실기시험의 시행여부가 쟁점 대상으로 부각될 소지가 있는 것으로 나타났다. [결론] 국민건강증진에 의한 의료비 절감과 체육전공자의 직업적 영역과 위상 확보를 위해 국민건강증진법에 근거한 ‘운동사에 관한 규칙’이 조속히 제정되어야 할 것이다.

[INTRODUCTION]] The purpose of this study was to determine the enactment requirements of ‘Regulation on Kinesiologist and the revision contents on the National Health Promotion Act by applying Delphi method in order to prepare the necessary legal foundation in establishing the ex-ercise specialist qualification system in the healthcare field. [METHOD] For the first survey, specialist sub-committee (5 mem-bers - 3 professors of kinesiologist; 2 field kinesiologists with doctorate degree) was formed, and in the second survey, 50 spe-cialists (50 participants - 42 professors of kinesiologist; 7 kinesiologists with doctorate degree; 1 professor of law) participated among which 46 specialists responded. The third survey was conducted with the participants that consisted of the 46 partic-ipants of the second survey (46 participants - 39 professors of kinesiologist; 6 kinesiologists with doctorate degree; 1 professor of Law) among which 42 participants responded. [RESULT] There was an opinion from the specialists that it would be reason-able to base the exercise specialist qualification system on the National Health Promotion Act, with the consensus on establish-ing Article 19-2 (Kinesiologist License) of the National Health Promotion Act. The panel responses were somewhere between ‘approval and ‘full approval on the contents of elements that should be considered in the ‘Regulation on Kinesiologist of the purpose, definition, qualification test implementation & public announcement (implementation frequency, test supervision, test announcement), qualification test (test subject & question ratio per subject, type of test, passing standard, practical training), special committee on kinesiologist training (establishment, subdivision, responsibilities), refresher training, special & temporary courses, etc. In the amendment of the National Health Promotion Act, the survey research result revealed that there is a possi-bility of dispute in ‘allowing the use of the national health promotion fund for ‘the nation-wide exercise training , and in the enactment of ‘Regulation on Kinesiologist , ‘the qualification test subject & question ratio and ‘type of test , namely, the im-plementation of practical test could become an issue of dispute. [CONCLUSION] It would be necessary to enact the ‘Regulation on Kinesiologist as soon as possible that is based on the National Health Promotion Act for the purpose of medi-cal cost reduction through the promotion of national health, as well as the assurance of the vocational field and status of those who majored in Physical Education.





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