저항운동 방법과 부하에 따른 단순관절 사전탈진 운동 후 10RM 벤치프레스 운동 시 큰가슴근과 위팔세갈래근의 근활성도(iEMG), 근피로도(MEF) 및 반복횟수에 미치는 영향
Effects of Method and Intensity of Resistance Exercise on Pectoralis Major and Triceps Brachii iEMG, MEF, Repetition at 10RM Bench Press after Single Joint All out Pre Exercise
- 대한운동학회
- 아시아 운동학 학술지
- 제16권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2014.04
- 51 - 62 (12 pages)
[서론] 본 연구의 목적은 큰가슴근과 위팔세갈래근의 단순관절운동을 통한 사전탈진 운동이 Bench Press 운동 시 근활성도, 근피로도 및 반복횟수를 통해 Bench Press 운동 시 주동근의 역할을 알아보고자 한다. [방법] 본 연구의 대상은 저항운동 경험이 6개월 이상인 14명의 남자대학생을 선정하여 10RM과 50% 10RM강도로 Lying Triceps Extension과 Peck-Deck Fly 사전탈진 운동 후 10RM Bench Press 운동 시 주동근에 나타나는 근전도 반응과 근력발현의 정도를 측정하여 종속 t-test와 one-way ANOVA 및 사후비교(contrast)로 분석하였다. [결과] 첫째, Lying Triceps Extension과 Peck-Deck Fly 운동 시 위팔세갈레근과 큰가슴근의 iEMG는 10RM 강도가 50% 10RM 강도 보다 높게 나타났다(p<.000). 둘째, Lying Triceps Extension과 Peck- Deck Fly 운동 시 위팔세갈래근과 큰가슴근의 MEF는 10RM 강도가 50% 10RM 강도 보다 높게 나타났다(p<.000). 셋째, 10RM Bench Press 운동 시 큰가슴근의 iEMG는 Peck- Deck Fly 사전탈진 운동 후 Bench Press가 Lying Triceps Extension 사전탈진 운동 후 벤치프레스 보다 높게 나타났다(p<.000). 넷째, 10RM Bench Press 운동 시 큰가슴근과 위팔세갈래근의 MEF는 10RM Peck- Deck Fly 사전탈진 운동 후 Bench Press가 가장 높게 나타났다(p<.000). 다섯째, 10RM Bench Press 운동 시 반복횟수는 사전탈진 운동이 10RM PeckDeck Fly, 50% 10RM Pec Deck Fly, 10RM Lying Triceps Extension, 50% 10RM Lying Triceps Extension 순으로 높게 나타났다(p<.000, p<.05 ). [결론] Bench Press 운동 시 위팔세갈래근의 역할이 매우 중요하며, 위팔세갈래근의 높은 근활성도와 낮은 피로도는 Bench Press 운동시 많은 반복횟수를 수행하게 된다.
[INTRODUCTION] The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Method and Intensity of Resistance Exercise on agonist muscle activation(iEMG), muscle fatigue(MEF), Repetition at 10RM Bench Press after single joint all out pre Exercise. [METHOD] Fourteen healthy college students participated in this study. All subjects were tested for their 10RM, 50% 10RM strength on the Lying Triceps Extension, Peck Deck Fly and 10RM, strength on the Bench Press. Surface electrodes were attached on the belly of the pectoralis major and the bellies of the triceps brachii; long, medial, and lateral head. Normalized iEMG and MEF were collected and compared to three sites on the triceps brachii and measured iEMG and MEF according to the intensity resistance training loading method. One-way ANOVA repeated measurement and t-test were used to identify significant differences between single and multi-joint exercises on the different intensity variables. An alpha level of .05 was used to determine the significance level. [RESULT] 1. The result from the Lying Triceps Extension and, Peck Deck Fly exercise showed that 10RM intensity was higher than that of 50% 10RM in the iEMG of Triceps brachii and Pectoralis major(p<.000). 2. the result from the Lying Triceps Extension and, Peck Deck Fly exercise showed that 10RM intensity was higher than that of 50% 10RM in the MEF of Triceps brachii and Pectoralis major(p<.000). 3. the result from the 10RM Bench Press showed that Bench Press exercise after peck deck fly all-out exercise was higher than that of Bench Press exercise after Lying Triceps Extension all-out exercise in the iEMG of Pectoralis major(p<.000). 4. the result from the 10RM Bench Press showed that Bench Press exercise after 10RM peck deck fly all-out exercise was the highest in the MEF of Triceps brachii and Pectoralis major(p<.000). 5. The order of the intensity in all-out pre-exercise was 10RM peck deck fly, 10RM Lying Triceps Extension, 50% 10RM Lying Triceps Extension in the Repetition of 10RM Bench Press(p<.000, p<.05 ). [CONCLUSION] Triceps extension in the 10RM plays very importanct role in bench press exercise. High levels of muscle activation and low muscle fatigue of tricep brachii leads to greater Bench Press repetition.
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