최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

O2O를 활용한 신선한 농산품 전자상거래의 지속적 사용의도에 관한 연구

A Study on the Continuance Intention of O2O Fresh Agricultural Products E-Commerce

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Purpose - This study focuses on the continuance intention of O2O fresh agricultural products e-commerce. By literature review, this paper looks through the classical theories which are often applied to study use behavior and continuance intention on the electronic commerce area. Ultimately based on the expectancy theory, Technology acceptance model, success model as well as trust model, a model of the continuance intention of fresh products O2O electronic commerce application is established. Research design, data, and methodology - Among users Chinese consumers have been chosen who have use experience as the research objects. From October 2, 2018 to November 2, 2018, 685 questionnaires in total were collected by the online release and collection. Expect for the negative questionnaires, the remaining 650 pieces of data are statistically analyzed. The collected data were firstly be analyzed by SPSS Ver. 25 on its frequency, reliability and exploratory factors. Then AMOS Ver. 25 is applied to the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Discriminant Validity and hypothesis testing of the Structural Equation Modeling. Finally, the following research conclusions could be obtained from the hypothesis testing. Results - Firstly, in the extended IS model, quality factor for hypothesis testing, service quality, information quality and delivery quality have obviously present positive influences on satisfaction respectively. Secondly, in the hypothesis testing part of ECM-ISC model and UTAUT model, all hypotheses have presented accepted results. Especially from expectation confirmation to usefulness perception, the influence factor achieves 12.603, In the hypothesis of continuance intention, the influence factor of social influence on continuance intention is 7.748 and also it is the most remarkable one. Conclusions - The results show that the service quality of O2O fresh agricultural products e-commerce has the greatest impact on satisfaction, while the perceived usefulness of consum

1. 서론

2. 이론적 배경 및 가설설정

3. 연구방법

4. 실증분석 및 가설검증

5. 결론
