최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Effects of Childcare Teacher’s Perception of Organizational Justice, Collectivism and Job Burnout on Turnover Intention

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This study is focused on the factors that reduce the high turnover rate of early childhood teachers against the backdrop of their poor work environment including long hours, work overload and low wage by identifying the effects of three sub-factors of justice on the collectivistic tendency and those of the job burnout on their turnover intention. To conduct this study, a survey was carried out childcare teachers of the Seoul and Metropolitan Area. Total of 283 valid female questionnaires were collected and utilized for analysis. According to the analysis, both procedural justice and interpersonal justice have positive effects on the collectivistic tendency and decrease the turnover intention. The interpersonal justice decreases the job burnout, whereas the distributive justice statistically significantly increases the job burnout. Also, the collectivistic tendency reduces the turnover intention. The job burnout increases the turnover intention, which is consistent with previous studies. Hence, increasing the interpersonal justice and the collectivistic tendency could be an option for dealing with the issue.


1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Background

3. Research Model & Hypotheses

4. Methodology

5. Empirical Analysis

6. Discussion and Limitations

