최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Analysis by Postretirement of baby boom generation

  • 2

As the aging population geworsened by the a of the low fertility rate in the wake of the birth of the low birth rate, the rapid increase in the retirement age of the baby boomers in the wake of the birth of the Korean War is a significant indication of the separation of the aged and the role of the economically rich and the role of the role of the economically rich. Therefore, this study aims to address issues and countermeasures. The study aims to provide basic data for the future life of the baby boom generation by examining the problems and responses to the economic activity after the retirement activity of the baby boomers. The research suggests that the limit was limited to the retirement age of the baby boomer generation in order to boost the employment of the elderly. Due to the lack of exploration of the exploratory research, the lack of analysis of exploratory facts is the biggest limitation of the analysis. So, further analysis of this will lead to meaningful studies. Looking at the composition of this study, the introduction of the study included the necessity and purpose of the study. The focus on the point was on the concepts and characteristics of the baby boomer, and analyzed the characteristics of the economic activity and analyses and analyses of domestic and international cases. In conclusion, the issue was drawn up and the alternatives were sought.

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Background

3. Baby boom generation

4. Economic activity of the boomers experience

5. Present condition and problems of baby boom generation in economic activity

6. Development Plan

7. Conclusion

