최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Thoughts on the Living Conditions of Cross-border Marriage Immigrants between China and Myanmar

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2021.2.3.151
  • 3

Cross-border marriage is accompanied by the change and spillover of labor network, and its living space is influenced by social environment and policy changes. Because of the particularity of this group, its living condition is very important for the stable development of border areas. How to improve the governance system, protect the rights of cross-border marriage groups and bring its positive effects into play is an important factor in maintaining the unity of border areas.

1. Causes and Trends of Cross-border Marriage between China and Myanmar

2. The Characteristics of Cross-border Marriage between China and Myanmar

3. The Problems Arising from the Cross-border Marriage between China and Myanmar

4. Reflections on Cross-Border Marriage between China and Myanmar

5. References
