최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Research on Medical Security of Unemployed Persons Receiving “Unemployment Insurance Benefits”

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2021.2.3.127
  • 3

With the transformation of social structure and the adjustment of industrial structure, a large number of urban residents have been laid off and become the new poor class. In order to guarantee the basic life of the urban poor, the state and local governments have issued a series of social security policies, which make the benefits of receiving the “unemployment insurance” come into being. The medical security policy for the poor in Beijing has developed early and experienced many changes. In this paper, the development of the medical policy for the unemployed in Beijing is systematically sorted out, and qualitative research method is used to select Qiantou community and Cuicheng community in Chaoyang District as the research area. The author also interviewed the unemployed who receive the unemployment insurance benefits and the relevant staff of social security, studied, investigated and analyzed the current situation of the medical security for the unemployed who receive the unemployment insurance benefits, and try to put forward improvement suggestions.

1. Introduction and Research Background

2. Research Methods

3. The Medical Needs of the Unemployed Who Receive the Unemployment Insurance Benefits

4. Research on Medical Security of Unemployed Persons Receiving Insurance Benefits in Beijing

5. Conclusion and Suggestion

6. References
