Local Government: Policy for Effective COVID-19 Disaster Response
- 아시아사회과학학회
- Journal of Asia Social Science
- Vol.2 No.3
- 2021.03
- 11 - 28 (18 pages)
This paper explores the role of Local Governments (LGs) for effective response to fight the (COVID-19) pandemic in Nepal. The outbreak of COVID-19 from Wuhan, China, has detached millions of population from their regular activities; and now Nepal is also getting its effects. The Government of Nepal has developed the specialised hospitals across the country, which helps fight the viral effect in time. Now, 753 local governments units are in close association with the local people to deliver the services. In that situation, this paper attempts to investigate factors that the government mechanism has to build up institutional capability by mobilizing all resources for mitigating the hazardous effects of COVID-19 at local levels. For this purpose, empirical studies in Tokha and Lumbini Sanskritik Municipality are undertaken. The result shows that LGs are capable to respond the disaster if they get positive coordination and collaboration with the Federal and Provincial Governments. In addition, strengthening the local government in the present context to face the challenges of corona pandemic is an academic concern of this paper.
1. Background of Study
2. Structures of Local Government in Nepal
3. Research Methodology
4. Sampling
5. Case of COVID-19 in Nepal
6. Findings
7. Conclusion
8. References