최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Learners creativity through mathematical thinking and teaching

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2021.2.3.1
  • 16

This paper draws connections between the learners creativity and teaching mathematics. The relationship between developing the creativity and mathematical teaching are interrelated to make the students logical and resourceful. Developing the sense of creativity in learners thinking is possible through the mathematical problem posing and solving. Creativity and mathematics are diverse disciplines that appear together if the ambitious expectation of the learners is accommodated for those who need it in real class room. The fluency of ideas, flexibility in thinking, and novelty in evolving unique knowledge, and elaboration of the concept in the classroom support the learners to be innovative and ingenious. These factors contribute, among others, to the fact that learners display their performance in real life through sound competence in mathematics. Identifying the problems through creative thinking and solving them are good enough to develop the mathematical reasoning and making logic for social life. Being creative and innovative is a part of quality mathematical teaching and it is the ingredient part to perform mathematical assignments. The problem posing and solving are related to the development of mathematical knowledge and creativity. It analyzes the creative product, process as focal points in order to analyze the role of mathematics education in the development of students’ creativity. Finally, this article explores that being creative and mathematical studies in social life are the most. For this, the review of literature is used to justify mathematical creativity, understanding of the creative students; and it discusses the issues and implications for the teaching of mathematics for making the learners creative.

1. Introduction

2. Concept of Problem Posing and Solving

3. Creativity and Mathematical Education

4. Conclusion

5. References
