Comparison of water qualities, including bacterial distributions and activities, in influent and effluent of a water purifier for drinking water was done to clarify the possibility of bacterial growth on granular activated carbon (GAC) in a water purifier. GAC of two filters, before and after reverse osmosis (RO) filter as pre-GAC and post-GAC filters, were also studied. HPC (heterotrophic plate count) of effluent (7.0×101~6.3공103 CFU/ml) were higher than influent (3.5 공101~1.9°ø103 CFU/ml) in the water purifier until 50 days (summer) and after 50 days, vise versa. HPC was 10 fold higher in pre-GAC than post-GAC filter. It may represent that RO filter can t eliminate all bacteria. Bacterial activities on GAC were 12.13~17.94 mg INT-formazan/g-GAC/h in pre-GAC and 10.68~18.42 mg INT-formazan/g-GAC/h in post-GAC. No pathogen was detected and Acinetobacter sp. were dominant bacteria on GAC. Moraxella, Clavibacter, Pseudomonas, and Corynebacterium sp. were also detected on GAC.
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