From Septemper 1997 to August 1999, dustfall samples were collected to calculate deposition of dustfall and metallic elements(e.g. Zn, Cd, Cr, Pb, and Fe) at four different sites : industrial, commercial, residental and Kunsan National University site at Kunsan in Korea. Significant differences of the deposition metallic elements were obsered in two stages of yellow sand: first stage is in Spring 1998, and the second is winter, 1998 and 1999. Deposition flux of dustfall and Zn, Cr and Fe was high in the first stage, but was not high in the second stage. Differences of regional and seasonal flux were also apparent. For the deposition flux of Cd and Fe was commercial > industrial > residental site, while that of Zn, Cd and Pb was industrial > residental > commercial site. Calculated water soluble ratio were 0.47 for residental, 0.42 for commercial, 0.59 for industrial site. The results indicate that industrial site was more affected strongly by anthropogenic sources, than commercial site was mass fractions of metallic elements showed very semilar values at commercial and industrial site, which seems to be effects of similar source and geological location.
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