The matured raw fish is a new kind of raw fish food in Korea. Raw fish flesh cut into big pieces are refrigerated for maturation for some time. They are to be eaten after being cut into slices. The sea food company selected for this research processes matured raw fish and sells them on the large-scale supermarkets. They cut raw fish into two pieces and seal them up in vinyl film. The filmed packages are kept in ice during the distribution stages. The HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) system is a systematic and continuous way of food control, and is very efficient in securing food safety and cutting down its expenses at the same time. This research aims at developing a HACCP-system model for matured-raw-fish processing and checking up its efficiency. If its efficiency is ascertained, the result will be established as a standard system for similar sea food manufacturers. The plan of a HACCP-system model was set up according to the HACCP application guidelines of Codex in close cooperation with the field workers of that company. The plan was structured in the following order: HACCP-team organization, decision of HACCP scope and purpose, decision of processing skills and consumers intention, drawing-up of processing flow diagram and scene investigation, hazard analysis and taking preventive measures, CCP(Critical Control Point) discrimination, CL(Control Limit) decision, systemization of CCP monitoring, taking improvement measures, making verification procedures, and recording and documenting. Disinfection procedure in the CCP was to be washed and treated with sterilized cold water. This procedure was administered according to the HACCP plan. To verify the effectiveness of the newly-developed HACCP model, the microorganism investigation was carried out. Common bacteria were not found or below criterion in the main processing procedures and instruments; colon bacilli were not found; the examination of the four kinds of bacilli causing food poisoning was resulted negative. So the new HACCP model turned out to be effective in controlling the matured-raw-fish processing.
HACCP; matured raw fishes; HACCP model; raw fishes; food safety