최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

울산공단 내 일부 소규모 사업장에 대한 국소배기장치의 점검과 개선방안

Inspection of Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems at Small Size Workplaces in Ulsan Industrial Complex and Suggestion on their Improvement

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The purpose of this study was to discuss problems and propose improvement on local exhaust ventilation systems (LEVSs) following evaluating the conditions of LEVSs at medium and small size workplaces. The inspection of hood and duct of LEVSs was carried out at small size factories (117 process in 45 factory) in Ulsan Industry Complex from March, 2001 to October, 2001. The hood were evaluated with hood material, hood tapered angle, capture istance, hood type and control velocity. The duct was investigated with duct material, and connection condition of elbow and branch. The rating or level of evaluation was based on ACGIH and Korean Standards. The relationship between airborne concentrations of contaminants and level of LEVSs was analysed. Good level of hood/duct referred to meet all of rating items (hood 5 items, duct 3 items). Bad level of hood/duct was defined as the condition of LEVSs that has even improper one of 5 items or 3 items. Good level at total evaluation rating referred to meet all of items of hood and duct. Good level of hood was found 18 of 117 systems (15.4%) and good level of duct showed 80 of 117 systems (68.4%). 14 of 117 systems (12.0%) showed good level at total evaluation rating, indicating that a large number of the existing ventilation systems was in bad condition. Even if LEVSs were most constructed by the authorized environmental protection manufacturers, a large proportion of them was found to be improper LEVSs. The condition of LEVSs was not related with the construction year. To improve LEVSs intensive training of professional manpower, continuous public relations, education of the employers, and development of technical audit program of permission process for LEVSs were recommended.



조사결과 및 평가

고찰 및 개선방안


