최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

Bisphenol-A와 nonylphenol이 zebrafish 배 발생에 미치는 영향

Effects of Bisphenol A and Nonylphenol on Zebrafish Embryogenesis

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The effects of bisphenol A and nonylphenol on the embryogenesis and the hatching rate of zebrafish embryo were investigated. Also, the changes of the catalase activities for 1 week, 2 week, and 4 week post hatching fries exposed to bisphenol A(10 mg/l) and nonylphenol(10 mg/l) during embryogenesis were investigated. Development stage was rapid in the group exposed to bisphenol A of 10 mg/l at 10.75 hpf(hour post fertilized) than the groups exposed during early embryogenesis period. Specially, hatching rate was increased in the group exposed to bisphenol A at 6.75 hpf, 8.75 hpf, 10.75 hpf, and 12.75 hpf. The effects of nonylphenol on development stage were studied. The process of development in the group exposed to nonylphenol(10 mg/l) at 8.75 hpf was rapid than the groups exposed during early embryogenesis period. But the last period of development was observed first in the group exposed to nonylphenol of 10mg/l at 4.75 hpf. Hatching rate was increased in the group exposed to nonylphenol than control, but lower for 8.75 hpf compared with the other groups. Catalase activities for zebrafish fries exposed to bisphenol A of 10 mg/l during 1 week post-hatching were significantly lower, compared to the control. Somewhat, for zebrafish fries exposed to bisphenol A during 4 week post-hatching, catalase activities were significantly increased. Catalase activities for 2 week, 4 week post hatching zebrafish fries exposed to nonylphenol(10 mg/l) during embryogenesis were significantly increased, compared to the control. In conclusion, the damages of an endocrine disrupter were highest in the group exposed at the earliest development stage. And the damage have on effect on embryogenesis and growth period.

I. 서 론

II. 연구 방법

III. 결과 및 고 찰

IV. 결 론

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