최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

질산화수 주입 방법에 따른 혐기성필터 거동 고찰

Study on Characteristics of the Anaerobic Filter by Nitrate Adding Points

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Characteristics of the upflow anaerobic filter process have been studied with six other conditions. When nitrate was mixed with influent in the bottom of the reactor, removal efficiencies of TBOD and TCOD were lower than those of TBOD and TCOD when nitrate was injected to the side of the reactor. In addition, when nitrate was injected to the side of the reactor the concentration of volatile acids of effluent was not high and ORP of effluent was lower than the mixture when nitrate was mingled with influent. It means that the bottom of the anaerobic filter played an important role in making volatile acids, methane production, and denitrification. Moreover, percentage of methane in the gas increased in accordance with increasing nitrate injection. It was because there were a lot of methane producing microorganisms which would rather use hydrogen than acetate. This reactor condition gets unstable due to provide nitrate. Therefore, higher hydrogen Pressure, shorter generation time, and lower standard Gibb s free energy gave great portion of methane of gas.
