최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

디젤입자상물질 여과장치의 배기저감성능 효과 분석

An Investigation of the Effect of Diesel Particulate Filter for Heavy-duty Diesel Engine on Emission Reduction

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Diesel PM can be controlled using Diesel Particulate Filter, which can effectively reduce the level of soot emissions to ambient background levels. In the Heavy Duty Diesel area, the Continuously Regeneration trap has been widely applied in the retrofit market. As the Special act for the improvement of air quality in the capital area, the retrofit program for DPF to used diesel vehicle has progressed favorably and there are currently over 1,000 of these DPF in use in retrofit applications in korea. These DPF comprise a specially formulated Diesel Oxidation Catalyst upstream of a DPF. The NO2 generated by the DOC is used to combust the carbon collected in the DPF at low temperature. To certificate DPF device that is suitable to domestic circumstances, it is necessary to evaluate exactly the DPF devices according to the regulation of DPF certificate test procedure for retrofit(ministry of environment(MOE) announcement NO. 2005-16). To do so the understand of that regulation like the standard of PM reduction rate is needed. In this study the test procedure including test cycle and BPT test condition was examined and also the test result for specific DPF was analyzed. In every test like field test, PM reduction efficiency test and seoul-10 mode test, no defect could be showed.
