This study investigated the health effects of offensive odor in residents living near the petrochemical industry complex area(PICA) and the thermoelectric power plant(TPP) by using questionnaire. Residents who felt the offensive odor were 58.3% at PICA, 50.9% at TPP and 24.4% at classical fishing and agrarian villages (CFAV)(p=0.000). People who answered that the offensive odor was sever at CFAV were 95.2% only on summer, but at PICA and TPP, were 44.1% and 57.3% on Spring, 62.4% and 68.8% on Summer, 22.0% and 31.7% on Autumn, and 21.7% and 25.7% on Winter, respectively. Average days that the odor occurred were 4.4 days/month at CFAV, but 12.0 and 9.5 days/month at PICA and TPP, respectively. People who experienced the sleep disturbance were 28.0% and 27.1% at PICA and TPP, respectively. The most frequently subjective symptoms were headache(0.953), frequently sneezing(0.825), itchy eyes(0.766), and stimulating eyes(0.709) at PICA, and headache(1.082), itchy eyes(0.931), itchy skin(0.826), and frequent sneezing(0.674) at TPP, respectively. At PICA and TPP, the occurrence rates of diseases in respondents families were 15.4% and 15.6% for asthma, 12.4% and 9.2% for respiratory diseases, 27.8% and 31.2% for skin diseases, and 9.1% and 6.9% for nervous diseases, respectively. In conclusion, many residents who living near the PICA and TPP experienced the offensive odor during four seasons, especially high on summer, the most frequently subjective symptoms such as headache, itchy and stimulating eyes, frequently sneezing, and some diseases among their families such as asthma, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, and nervous diseases.