최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

안태음이 임신랫드와 태자에 미치는 영향

The Effects of the Administration on Oriental Medicine, Antaeeum, in the Pregnant Rat and Their Fetuses

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This study have a object to found out the effects of oriental herb medicine, Antaeeum, to dams of rats and their offsprings. The Antaeeum was savaged to female Sprague-Dawley rats at a dose of 5 mg/kg/day for 3 weeks during gestation periods. Dams of rat were sacrificed at 20th day of gestation, and were observed major internal and reproductive organs. Approximately live fetuses in the 20th days of gestation were selected randomly and examined with stereo microscopes. Others offsprings were fixed with 95% ethanol for skeletal examinations. The fixed fetuses were stained with alcian blue and alizarin red S to observe skeletal variations or malformations. Maternal body weight of Antaeeum treated dams have a tendency of increasing compared with control dams. There were no significant difference in internal and reproductive organs of weight or findings. The spleenic organ relative weight of treated dams were decreased compared with the control significaltly (p<0.05). There were no significant changes between two groups in blood chemistry and hematological values. There were no significant changes in number of corpus luteum, implantation, live fetuses and implantation rate, delivery rate, late resorption rate and sex ratio. But in the Antaeeum treated group showed lower early resorption rate than that of the control dams. Fetal body weight and number of fetus a dam at Antaeeum treated group were higher than that of control group. The fetuses of dams treated with Antaeeum didn t induced external malformations. Vertebral and sternal variations were observed in Antaeeum group, but compared with the control, those variations were not significant. The ossification numbers of rib, cervical, thoracic, and lumber were normal. Fetuses treated with Antaeeum to the dams showed no significant difference in the number of caudal vertebra (P>0.01). From these results, it can be concluded that Antaeeum showed no toxicity effects on maternal side especially on body weight, early resorption rate, and number of live fetuses. Also there were no significant changes on maternal organ weights except spleen, hematological data, reproductive organs. Although skeletal variations were examined at vertebra and sternum, this Antaeeum could not induced significant choses in bone malformation.
