최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

음식물류폐기물의 호기성 퇴비화에 있어서 목재세편의 투입비에 따른 곰팡이의 균락형성단위의 변화에 관한 연구

A Study on Variation of Colony Forming Units of Fungi by Input Ratios of Wood Chips in Aerobic Composting of Food Wastes

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This study was performed to evaluate the effects of input ratios of bulking material in aerobic composting of food wastes on variation of colony forming units(CFU) of fungi. Wood chips were used as a bulking material. Volume ratios of food wastes to wood chips in reactor of Control, WC-1 and WC-2 were 10/0, 10/5 and 10/10, respectively. Reactors were operated for 24 days with I hour stirring by 1rpm and 2 hours of the forced aeration rate of 80L/min⋅m3 per day. WC-2 reached high temperature range faster than WC-1, and the maximum temperature of WC-2 was higher than that of WC-1. WC-2 reached high pH range faster than WC-1. and the maximum pH of WC-2 was higher than that of WC-1. WC-2 reached high Log(CFU/gram) range faster than WC-I, and the maximum Log(CFU/gram) of WC-2 was higher than that of WC-1. These all mean that the reaction velocity of composting of WC-2 was faster than that of WC-1. The profile of fungi changes in Log(CFU/gram) was similar to that of temperature changes (r=0.8861) not pH changes (r=0.1631).
