최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

수돗물속 생물막 형성의 초기 세균

Initial Bacterial Groups in the Development of Biofilm in Drinking Water

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To clarify the pioneer group in the development of biofilms in high chlorine residual water, a semi-pilot model system was operated and 16S rDNA V3 targeted PCR-DGGE was submitted. Biofilm formation occurred rapidly in the model of a drinking water distribution system. It reached 103 CFU/cm2 or more on the surface of stainless steel, PVC, and galvanized iron in chlorinated (1.0 mg/l) water within a week. Within a week, uncultured Proteobacteria- and Bacillales group-like sequences were detected and Sphingomonas-like sequences were identified from all season and all pipe materials tested. Hence Sphingomonas species were regarded as the potential pioneer group in the development of biofilm in drinking water and this results would be useful for the prevention of biofilm formation and safety of drinking tap water.
