최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

하수 방류수에서 대장균군의 검출방법의 비교

Comparative Study on Detecting Methods for Total Coliform in Sewage Effluent

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The purposes of this study were to investigate the concentration of total coliforms in sewage effluents during the period from August 2004 to October 2005. The removal efficiency range of multi-tube method and plate count method were 31.3∼99.5 and 66.8∼99.2, respectively. Though a correlation between the multi-tube method and the plate count method in the same sample is low, not only is an experimental procedure very simple, but the time required also is short. The seasonal correlation between methods showed more sensitive spring and summer than autumn and winter. So the study indicated plate count method can be used in rapid and reliance identification of total coliform more than the multi-tube method.
