24시간 복제 음식물 중의 Fe, Cu, Zn 함량: 유도결합플라즈마-원자발광분광법에 의한 정량분석
Concentration of Fe, Cu, Zn in 24-hour Food Duplicate Samples: Quantitative Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- 한국환경보건학회
- 1. 한국환경보건학회지
- 제33권 제5호
- : KCI우수등재
- 2007.10
- 397 - 402 (6 pages)
The present study was initiated to examine the measures of dietary intake of Fe, Cu and Zn. The food duplicate samples were collected in Busan and its neighboring area, from the 69 middle-aged women (healthy non-smoking, mostly house wives), who provided informed consent. The samples were wet ashed by being heated in the presence of mineral acids, and Fe, Cu, Zn in the wet-ashed samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES). Dietary intake of Fe, Cu and Zn were 10.4 mg/day in Fe, 1.2 mg/day in Cu, 7.4 mg/day as arithmetic mean. The values for dietary Fe and Zn were lower, and the values for dietary Cu were higher than the recommended daily intake from Korean Nutrition Society. Further studies of Korean foods are needed to clarify the representative values for daily dietary Fe, Cu and Zn intake in the Korean population.