To assess possible risks from the consumption of drinking water from various sources, a survey of the microbiological quality of tap water, commercial bottled drinking water which is exploited from natural mineral water, and natural spring water was conducted. A total of 4 different brands of commercial bottled drinking water, and 4 types of spring water from different sources, and tap water from 4 private houses were tested for four index microorganisms, and the microbial quality changes of the water during the storage at room temperature or refrigerated temperature for 7 days. Aerobic plate counts of all of the initial water samples were still within 100 CFU/ml (drinking water standard of Korea). Total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and E. coli were not detected in all of the water samples at initial. However, aerobic plate counts of three types of spring water and three types of bottled drinking water stored at room temperature showed higher levels than the standards in 5 days. Total coliforms were detected in three types of spring water after one day s storage at room temperature, and in one type of bottled drinking water after 5 days storage. These results indicate that some of the spring water surveyed are not safe to drink, and the spring water and bottled drinking water after opening the lid should not be stored at room temperature, if they are used for drinking.