최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

An Empirical Investigation of Work Life Balance and Satisfaction among the University Academicians

DOI : 10.13106/jafeb.2021.vol8.no5.1047

University academicians are playing a significant role in nation building and striving hard to impart quality education to students and also instill moral and ethical values in them. The current study aims to determine the relationship between work-life balance (WLB) and satisfaction among academicians. For the study purpose, 154 academicians from different universities with varied designations were selected randomly from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Pareek et al. (2011) constructed and validated a scale to gather responses from respondents with the aim of understanding WLB in relation to satisfaction. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to interpret the results to make the study more authentic and valuable. The study’s findings revealed that (i) all facets of WLB have positive relationships with one another, resulting in workplace satisfaction; (ii) the result also reflects that male faculty members have a lot of pressure and responsibility in the universities than the female faculty members which reflect that male are more prone to dissatisfaction in comparison to the dfemale faculty members (iii) the factor personal needs is having the high degree of correlation followed by the social needs. Results indicate that WLB plays a crucial role to provide satisfaction and surely ignite new information in the contemporary knowledge of work life balance among the Saudi Arabian Universities.

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

3. Research Methodology

4. Results and Discussion

5. Conclusion and Limitations
